Do You Want to Know About CBD For Your Pet? CBD Pet 101

Do you want to know about CBD for your pet? The big trend in CBD is for our pets! It has shown to have many potential benefits not only for you but for your furry companions as well!

What is CBD?

In case you have been living under a rock, (in that case, hello!) CBD has recently begun climbing up the popularity ladder due to its numerous potential benefits for health and skin.

CBD (a chemical compound called cannabidiol) is extracted from the hemp plant, which is a member of the Cannabis Sativa plant family. CBD is found in all parts of the plant except the roots and seeds, but unlike THC, CBD is not capable of causing the sensation of a ‘high’ in humans.

This is due to the difference in levels if THC (the substance that makes you experience a ‘high’). Marijuana has a higher concentration, while hemp from which CBD is derived has a lower one, not nearly enough to have an effect and meddle with your brain.

Types of CBD

Full spectrum CBD, which contains all the other compounds present in hemp.

Broad spectrum CBD which is just like full spectrum except it has been filtered from any THC.

CBD isolate, which is just the chemical compound CBD by itself.

Broad-spectrum is a great choice for your pet but also has other cannabidiols besides CBD which are really beneficial with a lot of helping properties, thus causing something known as the entourage effect (the effect of all the good chemicals in hemp acting together which should, theoretically, boost health benefits and overall therapeutic effects).

Do you want to know more about CBD for your pet and potential benefits than keep reading further!

What are the Benefits of CBD?

In humans, CBD has shown to potentially nurture the skin, support the burdens of depression, anxiety, and help epileptic seizures. It also can potentially support anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties!

Research has shown that CBD has a similar effect on animals, too. There are not many studies available, but the ones that have been done show that there is a lot of potential in pet products that use CBD.

CBD can potentially be used to support calming down the animals and help those with pains such as arthritis. It can also support seizures and potentially decreasing the growth of tumors, although these are not 100% confirmed yet.

The neuropathic effect of CBD can help clear their minds and lower an animal’s anxiety, aggression, and some other specific neurological disorders.

CBD also has strong anticonvulsant properties,, which can potentially help reduce and prevent seizures and muscle spasms.

By interfering in some chemical reactions,CBD also has potential to create anti-inflammatory effects CBD can also potentially support anti-inflammatory effects and bring relief from pains such as arthritis and relieve heart murmurs.

Some other benefits of CBD are its potential ability to stimulate an appetite and help your pets get a good night’s rest. It might even be able to help support them with certain skin conditions.

Ways to Give Animals CBD

There are three main ways to give CBD to animals:

  1. Through CBD pet treats
  2. By mixing in CBD oil in your pet’s water or food
  3. Putting the oil drops/tinctures on the gum-line for maximum absorption

Most people prefer option one, as it is the easiest and second most accurate, while option three is the hardest and most accurate. Option two is quite simple as well, although exactly how much CBD stays in the bowl or enters your pet’s systems is not very predictable.

Side Effects

All medicines have some sort of side effect, CBD is no different here. Thankfully, all side effects are considered relatively minor. You may notice things such as an increase in thirst, drowsiness during the day, and low blood pressure.

It could also counter any effects of medicine your pet may already be taking, so make sure to consult a vet before attempting to give your pet any CBD products.

Hemp GIF

Which Pets Can Be Given CBD?

Although people mainly give CBD to pets such as rabbits, dogs and cats, it is also be given to live stock animals.

Since most people have large pets such as dogs and cats, products have dosages to suit those types of animals and not smaller ones. But nowadays, companies have been making products that are ideal for smaller creatures such as birds, hamsters, and even reptiles!

Safety and Dosage
The first thing you would want to do is check with a vet if CBD will not affect your pet in a negative way. Always check the chemicals listed in case your pets have any allergies.

Use pet-friendly CBD products only. Although possible, refrain from giving human CBD because it could contain ingredients that are toxic to your pets.

Dosage is linked to pet age and weight, but it is still best to start with the smallest dosage and see if and how your pet reacts. If it does not work, slowly increase it by small amounts, making sure it is not too much nor too little. Do not forget to regularly monitor the health and mood of your pets.

I hope this article of Do You Want to Know About CBD For Your Pet has answered some of your questions and given more insight into CBD for your pet. See below for some frequently asked questions.

Yuki Living has both CBD Pet Treats and CBD Drops for your pet! Check it out!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does CBD Cause a ‘High’?

No, there simply isn’t enough THC for a ‘high’ to be experienced by you or your pets and our products have zero THC.

Can CBD Cause and Overdose?

No, the worst that can happen if u do accidentally give more than needed is diarrhea and drowsiness. But still, be careful when measuring out the doses you are giving, too much or too little will nullify most if not all benefits of the product. We always encourage you to consult with your vet before giving anything new to your pet.

Please let us know if you have any questions! Thank you for your support.

CLICK HERE TO SEE Yuki Living’s Pet Treats and Pet Drops

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