Is CBD Safe For My Pets?

concentrated young black woman cuddling curious obedient dog while reading book ob bed


Is CBD Oil Safe for My Pets?
As pet parents, we want the best for our fur babies. But too often, our only options are the chemical-laden veterinary products we find in pet stores. Some of those conventional prescriptions are completely overhyped and not healthy for your pet. Most (like NSAIDs) may seem to work, but they leave many side effects and long-term consequences like severe liver damage.

In the search for safe, effective, and more organic ways to keep your pet in shape,CBD, a cannabis extract, has attracted many positive reviews lately.
CBD and its benefits are no longer news. But perhaps you’re hesitant because the mere thought of CBD messing up your cats and dogs’ health scares you. Or you just need to be better informed before giving CBD a shot? Then read on.
In this article, I’ll be discussing one of the most commonly asked questions by pet parents – IS CBD oil safe for my pet?
To satisfactorily answer the question, I’ll quickly run through these questions:
Will CBD make my pet high?
How exactly does CBD work for pets?
Can I use any CBD product for my pets?
So, Is CBD actually safe for my pets?
How much CBD is safe for my dog?
But before I delve in, let’s step back a bit.

What is CBD?
CBD is a predominant naturally occurring compound (otherwise called cannabinoids) found in cannabis. The extract has earned impressive reviews from research authors and first-hand users.
In the recent past, CBD has gained increasing momentum and has become a trend in modern human medical research. More interesting for pet parents, recent findings reveal several ways CBD can help in veterinary care.
Currently, many pet parents have swapped out their conventional pharmaceuticals for CBD. The reviews are not just plentiful; they’re pretty convincing.
While we await more studies to unravel the true therapeutic potentials of CBD and, perhaps, more ways it can benefit you and your pet, we advise you to administer with care. For optimum safety and the best experience from your pets’ CBD doses, visit our resource bank to learn some best practices for administering CBD to your pets.

Will CBD Get My Dog High?
No, it won’t.
Of course, the mere thoughts of your pet getting high on weed can be scary. CBD’s relationship with marijuana has raised concerns among prospective CBD users. For the uninitiated, it’s understandable to think CBD will leave pets ‘stoned’. But that’s not true.
CBD is non-psychoactive – i.e., it won’t leave your dogs and cats high.
Remember, cannabis has over a hundred compounds. Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, another compound in weed, is the chief cause of the high marijuana users feel.
That said, there are a disturbing lot of fly-by-night products with more THC concentration than their labels promise. Watch out for such; they can cause more harm than good to your pet.
Check out our resources on how to buy safe CBD oil for your dogs and cats, or consider using one of our premium CBD oil for pets. All our CBD pet products have zero THC.

How Exactly Does CBD Oil Work for Pets?
Research shows that CBD works in pets just the same way it does in humans.
Explaining the possibility, experts say all mammals have a system called the Endocannabinoids System (or ECS). The ECS consists of a network of receptors spread throughout the body. These receptors bind with internally generated chemicals called the endocannabinoids to influence certain essential body functions, including regulating immune response, sleep, mood, appetite, etc.
A key function of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is the regulation of immune response which contributes to most of your pet’s health challenges. When your pet’s in-built disease-fighting mechanism overacts, it can lead to auto-immune issues and allergies. On the other hand, an under-reactive immune response exposes your pet to several infections and increases their vulnerability to cancerous cells.
The ECS is thought to help keep the body in a balanced state. A state of general wellness, otherwise called homeostasis.
In the event your pet’s internally generated cannabinoids drop below the required levels, cannabis-based cannabinoids, such as CBD, come to the rescue. Both endocannabinoids and plant-sourced cannabinoids interact with the receptors in the same manner and, in turn, create similar results.

Can I use Any CBD Product for My Pets?
Of course, not. For a guide on which CBD product to use, let’s quickly discuss the three forms of CBD extracts:
Full-spectrum CBD
Full-spectrum CBD products contain all cannabis constituents, including all the terpenes and other cannabinoids – plus THC. This all-encompassing CBD form is popularized for its entourage effect, a theory which, in summary, says the more compounds, the more-potent effects.
Sadly, due to its THC content, full-spectrum products are discouraged in the veterinary space. Seemingly insignificant THC concentrations can cause THC poisoning, leaving your pooch ataxic, highly sensitive to light, and generally restless and looking unwell.

CBD isolate
While full-spectrum CBD extract contains all cannabis compounds, Isolates are CBD-only products.
The CBD isolate extract is thoroughly refined. The process entails removing all other plant matters, leaving it almost flavorless and safer for your furry friend(s).
These products are potent and with the least risk of any side effects.

Broad-spectrum CBD
Broad-spectrum CBD extract is a middle ground between full-spectrum and isolate. This CBD extract contains all other potential therapeutic compounds in cannabis, except THC.
Broad-spectrum products are your go-to if you desire more for your pet from CBD oil, but without exposing your cats and dogs to its undesirable high.
So, if you’re considering which CBD product to buy, pick between isolate and broad-spectrum products – THC is a no-no for pets.

Is CBD Safe for My Dogs and Cats?
Yes! CBD is safe and widely tolerated in pets.
So far, research and supportive anecdotal reports seem to have only good things to say about CBD. Notable among other recommendations is the World Health Organization’s report, which clears CBD of any dependence or abuse potential when used for pets, even at high doses.
However, more research is needed to investigate the potential effects further and, perhaps, explore more ways the compound can benefit your furry pals.

How Much CBD is Safe for My Pet?
There are no one-fits-all CBD dosages for pets. Typically, your pets’ health condition, weight, and age, are typical factors that determine the correct dosage.
Although some products come with dosage recommendations, finding a more suitable dosage for your pet may require some experimenting over time. It’s always safer to begin with low doses and work up your way to a more effective level.
The general rule of thumb says to administer 0.2mg per pound’s weight.
It’s always safer to begin somewhere in-between the doses stated on product labels.
Take a break after dosage to observe the resultant effects on your pet. You should begin to see notable results in about 30 minutes after dosage. If no changes after an hour wait, increase the dosage a bit, aiming for the high end of the recommended dosage spectrum.
For disturbing effects like excruciating pain, administer CBD every 8 hours. For other conditions, use CBD once or twice daily.
Please always make sure to read the labels and instructions on your CBD products.

Closing thoughts
So, feel free to explore and exploit the CBD world – for you and your pets. Yes, CBD is safe for your dogs and cats, too.
Research shows that it’s not only safe but also widely tolerated, even in high doses. But to make sure your dog gets the most out of their experience with this compound, always go for premium quality oil.
Feel free to browse through our premium CBD oils and treats for pets. And remember to visit our site today for more tips on optimizing your pet’s CBD experience.

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